


Name: Kevin Chen
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Where are Stepper Motors Used?

Author : Snowit Motor
Although the stepper motor has been overshadowed in the past by servo systems for motion control, it has emerged as the preferred technology in more and more areas. The major factor in this trend towards the stepper motor is the prevalence of digital control, the emergence of the microprocessor, improved designed (i.e. high-torque models), and lower cost. Today, stepper motor applications are all around us: they are used in printers (paper feed, print wheel), disk drives, clocks and watches, as well as used in factory automation and machinery. A stepper motor is most often found in motion systems requiring position control.
Stepper Motors are Used in Many Industries
Stepper motors have become an essential component to applications in many different industries. The following is a list of industries making use of stepper motors:
• Aircraft – In the aircraft industry, stepper motors are used in aircraft instrumentations, antenna and sensing applications, and equipment scanning

• Automotive – The automotive industry implements stepper motors for applications concerning cruise control, sensing devices, and cameras. The military also utilizes stepper motors in their application of positioning antennas

• Chemical – The chemical industry makes use of stepper motors for mixing and sampling of materials. They also utilize stepper motor controllers with single and multi-axis stepper motors for equipment testing

• Consumer Electronics and Office Equipment – In the consumer electronics industry, stepper motors are widely used in digital cameras for focus and zoom functionality features. In office equipment, stepper motors are implemented in PC-based scanning equipment, data storage drives, optical disk drive driving mechanisms, printers, and scanners

• Gaming – In the gaming industry, stepper motors are widely used in applications like slot and lottery machines, wheel spinners, and even card shufflers

• Industrial – In the industrial industry, stepper motors are used in automotive gauges, machine tooling with single and multi-axis stepper motor controllers, and retrofit kits which make use of stepper motor controllers as well. Stepper motors can also be found in CNC machine control

• Medical – In the medical industry, stepper motors are utilized in medical scanners, microscopic or nanoscopic motion control of automated devices, dispensing pumps, and chromatograph auto-injectors. Stepper motors are also found inside digital dental photography (X-RAY), fluid pumps, respirators, and blood analysis machinery, centrifuge

• Scientific Instruments –Scientific equipment implement stepper motors in the positioning of an observatory telescope, spectrographs, and centrifuge

• Surveillance Systems – Stepper motors are used in camera surveillance